Comparison Kills
Humans, by nature, like to compare. From the stone ages until now we have been a species of comparison. Which tools were better at killing the next meal? Which plants are safer than others to consume? Which animals are more dangerous? And, for the sake of reproduction, which human carries the best genes for my future family?
Our minds are biologically composed to maneuver the world in a way that keeps us healthy, safe, and progressive. However, at this point in time I believe we turn to comparison too soon. We've begun to compare ourselves to others based on false pretenses (or, not fully true I should say). While some walk through life with their feathers fluffed and heads held high, there are too many moving through life with a broken spirit underneath. Though culture plays a huge role in this, there are common struggles shared between men and women around the world.
We compare looks and words more than action and change. Every magazine image, Facebook post, TV ad, and billboard poster we see sends a message. However this is interpreted is entirely in the eyes of the beholder...but it's now relevant. You can't close your eyes, plug your ears, or stop your brain from functioning - from absorbing. When this "message" stems from a place of positive root, there are no explicit problems. On the contrary, when it comes from a place of desperation to sell - that's when we sometimes lose our critical eye. We sometimes lose our ability to accept that where we are, who we are, and what we stand for in this moment is okay.
I commend all my fellow headstrong individuals out there that truly, deeply know themselves already - already enough to not be swayed by the imagery and promotions exposed to them. This is true bliss.
As a somewhat recent college graduate navigating the transition into "adulthood", I've had days where I truly doubt my place in time. I've thought, "How come I'm not doing x, y, and z with my life? Why aren't I there yet?" Or even, "How is it possible that she/he is there, and I am here?" ('here' and 'there' representing stages in personal/professional life). This mindset is so poisonous! It can often lead to feelings of low self-worth, thoughts of jealousy, and even anger. Would I have these thoughts if social media and the internet didn't exist? Maybe not, but just like anyone else, I could find something or someone to compare myself to.
I'm here to remind YOU, reader, to stop the wandering eyes. Not one person can live the same life as another. We create our own life. We make our own paths.
Rather than draining our energies into what we DON'T have or what we AREN'T doing, it's healthier to focus on what we can do. How can I make myself a better person today? (and further) How can I better the community around me? Because the only comparison we should be making is between our past and present self. Hardship and success alike - they both deserve to be heard and felt. Wouldn't you agree?
With well intentions, keep the comparisons inward! Stay authentic, and keep it real my friends.
xo Good vibes only.